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Ankle: what’s in there?

PRP Stem Cell Therapy is a great method for permanently stabilizing chronically painful and unstable ankles. Deepen your understanding of what is inside an ankle by viewing the following educational video:

For 20 years, Juanita Kramer had ankle pain and instability so in the way of her life that she had to wear a high-top shoe to bed each night because just the weight of the covers would make the unstable ankle hurt. Watch her tell her story:

If you were to spend time in our office repairing an ankle or other joint, the music in the background would include Lithuanian folk songs like these from The Folk Ensemble of Vilnius. Click on the triangles on the left to hear clips from two select songs, one by the guys, and the other by the ladies:

Outside our building are crab apple trees that put on an amazing show each Spring. Their blossoms have now come and gone, like most everything in life. I’ve captured the blossoms to share with you.

Dr. Jonas Skardis

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