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Some of my joints hurt. What can I do?

We accumulate minor or severe injuries over a lifetime. Even without obvious injuries, some of our joints eventually wear down and hurt. The standard story is to take drugs and eventually get surgery. In the middle, physical therapy might be recommended, but if parts in your joints are worn or otherwise damaged, the PT may aggravate the pain or generally have limited results. Is there no other way?

At New Mexico Pain Management, we repair joints non-surgically. We use PRP Stem Cell Therapy over more or less 6 months to literally grow new, permanent, teen-age tissue at specific tears and wear spots in ligaments, tendons, fascia, meniscus, and cartilage. This strategic, site-specific farming of new collagen serves to repair, refurbish, stabilize and renew the areas that now hurt you. All the information is on this website. Look at the home page by clicking on the NMPM logo on the upper left, and afterwards click on the other topics in the left column. Educate yourself. The information is all there about the nature of the procedures, common questions and answers, rules about what medicines you can and cannot take, costs, and insurance. Commit time to actually reading, studying and understanding this resource for turning back the clock.

Click on the video below to watch John and Jim Yantzer tell their stories. These brothers who live in North Dakota came to Santa Fe monthly, and both guys succeeded in fixing a number of joints. As you can see from the video, they are characters — it was fun spending time with them. And, understand that there is some leeway for treating more than one joint in each single procedure. Plus, as some joints get better sooner, we can shift some of our attention to other, additional pain areas. Watch the brothers Yantzer explain how it all worked for them. spend an average of two and a half hours with you in each procedure. Music makes it all flow better. We have an interesting playlist of about 400 songs. Below are samples of two relaxing and interesting songs from the late 1950’s. Click on the triangle to hear a part of each song:

Come Softly To Me, by The Fleetwoods (1959)

I Only Have Eyes For You, by The Flamingos (1959)

Below I have also shared some more of my photographs from these past months. Be in touch. Email back.

Dr. Jonas Skardis

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