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Neck: what’s in there?

Most people take the neck for granted, even if their neck hurts. They allow it to stay a bit of a mystery. Maybe they think it is just tight muscles. Or, maybe they hear about surgeons diagnosing neck degeneration and they just figure they are getting old.

The following educational video could be worthwhile for you, arming you with valuable new understanding about what’s in there, including a range of parts that can be regrown and repaired non-surgically.

Jon Kongsvik hurt his neck falling off a roof many years ago. It became even more painful in recent years, eventually leading him to New Mexico Pain Management. Watch him tell his story.

This newsletter is being published at the Spring Equinox. Day and night are equal today. This is the official beginning of Spring. I offer you a clip from The Rite of Spring, composed by Igor Stravinsky. When I listen, I hear the murmurings of new life, preparing to spring out of the earth. As a side point, click here for an article about the Lithuanian influences in this composition.

“In April, we cannot see sunflowers in France, so we might say the sunflowers do not exist. But the local farmers have already planted thousands of seeds, and when they look at the bare hills, they may be able to see the sunflowers already. The sunflowers are there. They lack only the conditions of sun, heat, rain and July. Just because we cannot see them does not mean that they do not exist.”
–  Thich Nhat Hanh 

Finally, look below for some of my photos of the first signs of Spring.

Dr. Jonas Skardis

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