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Prepare for ski season NOW

It is Summer, and that means it may be the time for you to prepare your banged up body parts for ski season! If you need to repair a knee, or shoulder, or other joint area for January, PRP Stem Cell Therapy may be your solution. However, such natural healing takes time, possibly now to January.

John Wilger is a great skier, a former ski racer, and a multi-sport athlete over a lifetime. Watch him tell his story of joint repair.

Let’s celebrate Summer. Here is a great vocal rendition of the song Summertime by Annie Lenox:

Here is a great instrumental rendition of the song Summertime by Jessica Williams

For me personally, Summer means walking, the dogs with my family at sunset at the large, wide-open Frank S. Ortiz Dog Park here in Santa Fe. Below are some of my photos.

Enjoy the rest of the Summer, but, if necessary, start now to prepare for ski season.

Dr. Jonas Skardis

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