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The side of the hip

Hip pain:

— front

— back

— side (most common)

There is a bony prominence you can feel on the side. It is not your hip joint, just a part of your leg bone where many tendons attach. It might hurt when on your side in bed. It might hurt with standing around. People get worried that it might mean they need a hip replacement, but it is common in folks who will never have hip replacement.

Over the years, we’ve enjoyed patients who have come to see us from North Dakota. Here is a previous interview. Below is a new interview with Tim Morrell from Bismark, ND. He tells his story of pain on the sides of his hips.

Autumn has officially begun. From our office playlist, here is a sample of the song Autumn Leaves by Eva Cassady

It is early Autumn. Many grasses have changed from green to brown. Down here in Santa Fe, the leaves on the trees have not yet fully changed, have not yet put on their show. Yet, there are pockets of color. See my few photos below.

Have a great Autumn.

Dr. Jonas Skardis

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