Dr. Jonas Skardis and Dr. Celeste Skardis
After opening our first office in 1973, my wife and I moved to Santa Fe in 1986. We’ve had the honor of knowing so, so many great patients here over these three decades in New Mexico. This new newsletter is our effort to reach out. If you are receiving this newsletter you have been a patient of Dr. Jonas Skardis and/or Dr. Celeste Skardis, or you’ve at least contacted us about medical issues. Hi again.
Starting on January 1, 2009, we established New Mexico Pain Management, LLC at 460 Saint Michael’s Drive, Building 200, in Santa Fe. As before, we are focused on repairing joints by literally regrowing ligaments, tendons, menisci, and other joint parts through the precise, ultrasound image guided use of PRP Stem Cell Therapy.
We invite you to read about what we do. This website, NMPM.com, is full of information about the resources available to refurbish, repair, renew your knees, shoulders, ankles, feet, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, necks and backs. We utilize non-surgical methods that grow permanent repair tissue exactly in tears or wear spots in the structures that hold these joints together.
If we have not seen you for years or decades, call and let’s chat to get to know each other again. Call 800-702-NMPM (6676). Or, you can email me directly at [email protected].
A special feature in this first issue of the newsletter is a 10 minute interview with Carlos Caceres, Director of Challenge New Mexico that provides horseback riding therapy for the physically or mentally challenged. In the video, I get him talking about the service he provides, and about the knee pain that got in the way of his work. He was told that the only solution was total knee replacement. He didn’t like that idea. Instead he came to us, and PRP Stem Cell Therapy produced verified repair that made his knee pain-free. Watch and listen to his sincere recounting of his personal story.
Finally, photography is a source of enjoyment for me. I’ll share some of that enjoyment with you in each newsletter. The following are photos taken on a walk this weekend, right in my neighborhood. Photographing Spring plants is sort of like photographing puppies or babies – I love how they are all so new and fresh and perfect.
— Dr. Jonas Skardis