There is a wealth of information in the prior newsletters listed below.
Scan for ones that interest you, and click to view.
Avid hiker stopped by heel pain
All good things eventually end
Thank you for your condolences
Dr. Celeste Skardis has passed away
Surprisingly early pain management
Don’t let perfect get in the way of better
Walking for exercise, then knee pain limits you
Old – are you too old for PRP Stem Cell Joint Repair?
Fast – sometimes results come more quickly
Rotator cuff tears: full thickness? partial width?
Side of the hip: what’s in there?
Astaxanthin, Covid-19 Cytokine Storm
Cipro: antibiotics that destroy!
How long does PRP Stem Cell Joint Repair last?
“I’ve never been a fan of needles.”
How long does healing continue?
Microscopic images of PRP Stem Cell Joint Repair
What kind of downtime do our methods require?
Low back waist up: what’s in there?
Low back waist down: what’s in there?
Hands-on contractors need strong shoulders.
Return of the Light… hope for neck pain
Another patient story: knee, Achilles, elbow
Autumn Leaves, a story of a hip and knee
Hiking, even higher – a follow up to her story about her knee and ankle
What causes a hip to hurt – clarifying misunderstandings
Hip pain, PRP Stem Cell Therapy
What joints do we fix most often?
The garden is in full bloom – a story about knee and low back repair
PRP: quick or thorough? How is our approach different?
Whiplash can be severe and lasting.
Foot pain and PRP Stem Cell Therapy
Another husband and wife story
Rotator cuff tears routinely repaired non-surgically
Hand, wrist, forearm, hip pain