We repair joints using PRP Stem Cell Therapy. I’m often asked what joints do we most commonly repair? Here are the clear top two:


  1. KNEES

I don’t know what it is about knees, but people seem to need help with them. PRP is used amazingly widely throughout the US and the world, and it is most commonly used on knees wherever you go in the world. Click here for a video about how our more detailed evaluation process and our more comprehensive treatment approach with PRP differs from the quick one-injection method used through most of the medical world.


Go to our last newsletter for clues to why so many shoulders need help. Also, consider viewing a video about the crucial role of the rotator cuff.

Here is a video about a nice person who had a shoulder and both knees repaired here at NMPM:


Besides knees and shoulders, we also repair hips, ankles, all the joints in the feet, elbows, wrists, all the joints in the hands and fingers, and the many joints in the low back, neck, and mid back, even rib joints and collar bone joints around to the front. If you have a relative or friend in pain and interested in our methods, we humbly request that they start with thorough reading of NMPM.com. Then they are welcome to start the screening process by phoning Victoria, our Office Manager, at 800-702-NMPM (6676).

At our office, we have over 400 relaxing, interesting songs playing through the day. I just added these spacey songs to the playlist:

Stones, Stars and Sages, by Gary Wright, from the album Waiting to Catch the Light:



Waiting to Catch the Light, by Gary Wright, from the album Waiting to Catch the Light:


And, I’m regularly trying to catch the light with my photography. After I sign out, I leave you with some photographs from the last couple of weeks.

Dr. Jonas Skardis