Tennis is a great sport. If you take care of yourself, tennis can be played through most all of your life. It has a nice social component. It has a competitive component that for many people can be a key to trying harder, exercising harder. Tennis has many health benefits. Tennis is a relatively safe sport, but the following two folks did have some injuries that required PRP Stem Cell Therapy here at New Mexico Pain Management.
Spring is a great time of year to get out and play tennis. Here is a song entitled Spring Creek, from the album Rivers, by Patrick Leonard:
I glanced out the window at the signs of spring.
The sky was almost blue,
the trees were almost budding,
the sun was almost bright.
Millard Kaufman
Spring will come and so will happiness.
Hold on.
Life will get warmer.
Anita Krizzan
I wish you a happy Spring.
Dr. Jonas Skardis