Autumn can be a beautiful time of year. Autumn can also be a metaphor for the reduced joint function we may feel at some point in our lives. Cheryl Clark tells the story of how her hip, and secondarily her knee, declined to the point of being constantly painful. With PRP Stem Cell Therapy, those joints experienced a new Springtime. Watch her tell her story.

Cheryl achieved many of her goals without cutting off her hip and replacing it with a synthetic one. But even I will recommend hip replacement, or knee replacement, as the best choice for some patients. In a first and second newsletter, I collected information for patients to have more clear details to better judge for themselves the usually understated risks of hip or knee replacement. And, additional bits of information continue to appear on this topic of risks. Research published just days ago reveals that hip replacement outcomes are much worse if a patient has been taking drugs for anxiety, depression, sleep, etc. Other recent research reinforced the point I made in my newsletters that ligament laxity is a key to pain persisting after joint replacement, and to the frequent need to later go back into surgery to replace the replacement. This ligament laxity problem is particularly notable because PRP Stem Cell Therapy before joint replacement can grow new fibers within those ligaments, firming them, firming the joint, making future joint replacement more successful, or supplanting the need for joint replacement. Again, Autumn leaves can give way to a new Springtime.
Green Fire Times is the largest circulation newspaper in New Mexico. It deserves your attention as a unique NM resource “supporting sustainability – culture and language, traditional economy and ecological traditions respectful of Mother Earth.” As such, it is one of the few voices for small scale local organic farming in Northern New Mexico. In their current October 2018 issue, they provide a two page spread of some of my fine art portraits of organic farmers in this region. See the Green Fire Times two page spread by clicking here. See the entire October issue by clicking here. Click here to go to my photography website to see the larger farmer portrait project, which will allow you to see each individual photo at a size nearly filling your computer screen.
Click on the triangle below to listen to a clip from Eva Cassidy’s song Autumn Leaves.
I finish my communication to you today with visual art of the season, this time from a guest photographer, my daughter Bluejay Skardis. I find the second photo of tiny pale pink mushrooms growing on lichen to be particularly mesmerizing.
Dr. Jonas Skardis