Darkest Day

Today is the shortest day, the darkest day. If you have been going through dark times, for whatever reason, I wish you lighter, brighter days to come. Dr. Jonas...

The First of December

We specialize in treating nice people, and Bonnie Cundiff definitely fit that description. Her nice story of PRP Stem Cell knee repair had one interesting quirk. We...

How long after does healing continue?

Every so often, a patient will ask if growth and repair of damaged joint tissue will continue after they are done with a series of PRP Stem Cell Joint Repair...


In this newsletter, let’s look at the PRP Stem Cell Joint Repair process through a microscope.  We concentrate platelets, white blood cells, and stem cells...

IV nutrients are powerful

Some nutritional supplements can be provided intravenously, making them far more powerful. How much more powerful? Read this article or this textbook chapter. Dr....

The side of the hip

Hip pain: — front — back — side (most common) There is a bony prominence you can feel on the side. It is not your hip joint, just a part of your leg...