More artists

The last newsletter was entitled “An artist’s hands”. I’ll continue the artist theme today. Bob Ebendorf has long been an icon of the world of...

An artist’s hands

Many patients come to see us for help with thumb pain and other hand problems. This one remarkable artist, Bette Ridgeway, produces large format paintings in a unique...

Gardening… INSIDE your body!

PRP Stem Cell Therapy may seem highly technical, but, at base, it is GARDENING inside your body! That is not just a cute analogy – it is the literal truth. You...

Prepare for ski season NOW

It is Summer, and that means it may be the time for you to prepare your banged up body parts for ski season! If you need to repair a knee, or shoulder, or other joint...

Extreme rotator cuff tears

Rotator cuff tendon damage: 1. tendinosis (wear or near-tear) 2. partial thickness tear 3. full thickness tear 4. full thickness and full width tear (tendon fully...

Down time

Surgery often requires a large amount of serious down time – time away from work, time of inactivity. With PRP Stem Cell Therapy there is very little down time....